Paper review: Data-Level Parallelism in Vector, SIMD, and GPU Architectures

September 12, 2011

This is a review of Chapter 4 from the Hennessy and Patterson book, "Computer Architecture, 5th Edition: A Quantitative Approach". This chapter covers the differences between vector processors, SIMD, and GPU architectures. This writeup focuses entirely on the future hardware trends of data-parallel SIMD hardware in the cloud.

My claim is that we're going to see GPUs moving on-chip to coexist with normal CPU cores; we're already seeing this happen with the newest processors from Intel and AMD. The reason for this is that the latency cost in shifting computation to a GPU over PCI-E is high, and there isn't any memory coherency. Moving GPU cores on-chip solves both of these problems, though memory coherency still faces the same problems it does among many CPU cores. I can't make any solid predictions about vector processors, but it seems like the momentum is heavily in favor of GPU and SIMD CPU extensions for data-parallel computation.

How does this relate to cloud computing? GPUs face one major problem in a cloud environment, in that they are currently quite hard to virtualize. Preemption support is nascent, and there's a high cost to context switching a GPU because of the high latency bus. Concurrent sharing might also be difficult. There also aren't well-defined standards for programming a GPU (CUDA and OpenCL being competing examples).

Putting all of the problems aside as solvable however, GPUs are great for speeding up data-parallel tasks (and GPUs already can run MapReduce). I definitely see them gaining traction for batch processing. For normal web-serving workloads though, I'm not sure where a GPU would be useful. I think it's a lot harder to derive data-parallelism from handling a single request, and the current limitations on multiplexing and latency make it less friendly for this type of work.

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